Copenhagen. Groups and Operatora Algerbas seminar. December 2024.
Conservativity and Dissipativity in Nonsingular Group Actions
Oslo. Point sets: Dynamics, Samplings, and Operator Algebras. May 2024.
From Poisson Suspensions to Infinitely Divisible Stationary Processes
HUJI. Dynamics & Probability Seminar. January 2024.
Spatial Poisson suspensions of Polish groups actions
TAU. Groups & Dynamics Seminar. December 2023.
The Poisson suspension of Polish groups actions
Chalmers/GU. Analysis & Probability Seminar. September 2023.
α-stable stationary processes
HUJI. math Colloquium (Zuchovitzky Prize Lecture). June 2023.
The Poisson Suspension in Probability and Ergodic Theory
HUJI. Logic Seminar. January 2023.
An introduction to the model theory of measure preserving group actions
BGU. Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) Seminar. November 2022.
Stable Processes: from probability to non-singular ergodic theory
McGill. Descriptive Dynamics & Combinatorics Seminar. October-November 2022.
1st talk: An introduction to the ergodic theory of orbit equivalence classification of group actions
2nd talk: The orbital classification of the shift
UCSD. Group Actions Seminar. November 2022.
Symmetric stable processes indexed by amenable groups - ergodicity, mixing and spectral representation
NISER. Invited Speaker at Ergodic Theory and von Neumann Algebra. Online Conference in August 4-6, 2022.
Ergodic theory of stable random fields indexed by amenable groups
HUJI. Dynamics & Probability Seminar. January 2021.
The orbit equivalence class of markov subshifts of finite type
HUJI. Graduate Students Seminar. December 2020.
Kakutani dichotomy and 0-1 laws in markov measures
Weizman. Students Probability Day VII. May 2019.
The orbital equivalence class of the shift
HUJI. Dynamics Lunch Seminar. January 2019.
Sethuraman-Varadhan's proof of the Central Limit Theorem for non-Homogeneous markov chains